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Preschool Classrooms
Goals and Objectives
Social/Emotional Development
Sense of Self
1. Shows ability to adjust to new situations
2. Demonstrates appropriate trust in adults
3. Recognizes own feelings and manages them appropriately
4. Stands up for rights
Responsibility for Self and Others
5. Demonstrates self direction and independence
6. Takes responsibility for own well-being
7. Respects and cares for classroom environment and materials
8. Follows classroom routines
9. Follows classroom rules
Prosocial Behavior
10. Plays well with other children
11. Recognizes the feelings of others and responds appropriately
12. Shares and respects the rights of others
13. Uses thinking skills to resolve conflicts
Physical Development
Gross Motor
14. Demonstrates basis locomotor skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping)
15. Shows balance while moving
16. Climbs up and down
17. Pedals and steers a tricycle (or other wheeled vehicle)
18. Demonstrates throwing, kicking, and catching skills
Fine Motor
19. Controls small muscles in hands
20. Coordinates eye-hand movement
21. Uses tools for writing and drawing
Cognitive Development
Learning and Problem Solving
22. Observes objects and events with curiosity
23. approaches problems flexibly
24. Shows persistence in approaching tasks
25. Explores cause and effect
26. Applies knowledge or experience to a new context
Logical Thinking
27. Classifies objects
28. Compares/measures
29. Arranges objects in a series
30. Recognizes patterns and can repeat them
31. Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence
32. Shows awareness of position in space
33. Uses one-to-one correspondence
34. Uses numbers and counting
Representation and Symbolic thinking
35. Takes on pretend roles and situations
36. Makes believe with objects
37. Makes and interprets representations
Language Development
Listening and Speaking
38. Hears and discriminates the sounds of language
39. Expresses self using words and expanded sentences
40. Understands and follows oral directions
41. Answers questions
42. Asks questions
43. Actively participates in conversations
Reading and Writing
44. Enjoys and values reading
45. Demonstrates understanding of print concepts
46. Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
47. Uses emerging reading skills to make meaning from print
48. Comprehends and interprets meaning from books and other texts
49. Understands the purpose of writing
50. Writes letters and words