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School - Age Classrooms

Goals and Objectives

Physical Domain

Large Muscle/Gross Motor Development

1. Exhibits ability to run, jump, throw, catch

2. Displays complex skills related to team sports

3. Enjoys structured adult-like activities such as dancing, gymnastics, judo, karate

Small Muscle/Fine Motor Development

4. Enjoys and has mastered cutting, pasting, tearing, drawing 

5. Has refined use of real tools and utensils

6. Enjoys making models,woodworking, carvings, mobiles 

Social Domain

Outside World

7. Displays interest in homes of others, roles of family members

8. Expands sense of self by investigating neighborhood, local community and businesses

9. Understands world beyond neighborhood and wants to explore cultures, foods, languages and customs


10. Understands what it means to be a friend

11. Understands being part of a peer group

12. Reflects on qualities of friendship


13. Practices sense of independence

14. Ability to accept criticism and thoughts of others

15. Compares and describes abilities accurately 

Emotional Domain


16. Expresses feelings and emotions appropriately

17. Responds to feelings of others in words and actions

18. Labels feelings of others and sees similar emotions in self 

Intellectual Domain


19. Practices skills by playing school

20. Applies concepts in projects by thinking and doing, problem solving

21. Seeks many possible solutions and interested in point of view of others